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My Internship Experience at Crobstacle : Digital Marketing Internship

My name is Deebha Sithta and I have had a wonderful opportunity to join Crobstacle on May 3, 2021, as a Digital Marketing Internship. I started with this one thought that I will always be open to learning. I wanted to experience how jack of all trades feels like. And, fortunately ever since the time, I joined the firm I have never been working on just one particular job. To be more specific, I started with a bit of content writing, very much next was the social media calendar, then some website wire structure framing, website auditing, SEO, content writing again and finally I made my peace with social media calendars. I have been given opportunities to work in various fields at times. When I say I made my peace with Social Media Calendars, I meant my mentor could figure out right after the review of my very first calendar that I may have a chance in this particular niche but honestly, I wasn’t sure. With time and other projects lined up in the way, I somehow figured that it can be the truth. No matter how much the pressure is, despite the creative block at the end of the day, there was a calendar full of content to be delivered to the client.

It is a fact that no journey is ever been taken without its unique ups and downs. I had mine too. Professionally, there was a time I had this feeling that I was just jumping from one task to other and not being able to make my mark on any of them. Fortunately enough, I had this conversation with my mentor and where he somehow managed to solve my riddle unknowingly. He said,” I am here to make you aware of every aspect of this vast field, it is an internship, you should be able to experience everything before you settle down to one particular niche and settle down confidently.” I may have added few words from my side but this is exactly how it sounded.

I have somehow never really been a great decision-maker for my career. I have stumbled upon few career-related decisions that I regretted later. But, the only good thing that has come out of all these bad decisions is that at least I know where not to go. I still may not have figured where exactly my path is, but all these years I was figuring out where exactly my path is not. A very similar thing was happening in this internship. It took me a while to get a better understanding of this but it was worthwhile. 

From my internship, at Crobstacle I have had a chance to even directly contact the client, Vertex Global Services, a BPO company in Gurgaon. I started with working on their few weeks’ calendars and then few other projects that came my way. It was indeed an experience that gives you an outlook of how to work effectively with your client.

I had a wonderful experience working at Crobstacle. I can only be thankful for the feedback I had received for my work and the patience that has been shown while I was learning to perform a particular task decently. Everything that I have learned while working here, be it professionally or personally, has paved my way ahead. I am about to set my foot in the world of Communications and this internship and all that it has taught me would help me grow. I have come a long way from barely working on the excel sheets and to be honest, had very little clue about its operation to working daily on the sheets that too without panicking. I learned as well as had few opportunities to even teach what I learned the most. My fellow interns have also been absolutely wonderful to work with. As we are called The Young Turks, everyone has so much to learn from. We worked cordially, wished each other the best, taught each other when required, and turned out to be a great team to work with.

To sum up the whole experience as an Intern at Crobstacle, I can now say that I have seen growth happening in me. I walked into Digital Marketing knowing very little and only theoretical, but here I had worked and learned the basics and specifics of this field, so much so that I could now even teach others what I have learned and confidently work further on the path. I still have a long way to go ahead of me. I can only be thankful for all the assistance and support I have been given here and it has only made me more capable of paving my path ahead. Thank You!


Deebha Sithta

Digital Marketing Internship

03 May-03 Aug 2021.

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